
Welcome to the new Animal Database

The database is a site for anyone interested in registering their animals and creating a pedigree.

It is free to register as a user or breeder and to register your animals.

Remember to confirm your profile within 24 hours, via the confirmation email you will receive.

You must be logged in to have full access to the system.

Click here to see an example of a pedigree


To see news and new features see the bottom of the page

The goal of the new database:

is obviously to have as many animals registered as possible and for you, as a seller or buyer, to keep track of the animal's data.

Therefore we would encourage you as a seller to ask the buyer to register here.

You can then transfer the animal and its data to the new owner.

It is our hope that we will eventually build a solid registry for the benefit of all who want an easy to use and free pedigree system.

For animals that are chipped, tattooed or ringed, the register might also be used to find the owner of lost animals.

The site can also be used for animals that have another form of ID.

The site can also be used for sale advertisements.

The previous www.dyredatabasen.dk is automatically transferred to the new system and those who were users simply log in as before.

All animal species will be welcome:

But as we are not experts in all animals we need help!

If you want to add a species, we need someone with extensive knowledge of that species to contact us directly by email.

You can, for now, write to us in Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, German and English.

See under the tab Info (2. How to add new species)


How the system works:

[See the full description under the Info tab (1. How the system works)]

To ensure that no changes are made to the animal's data that could affect the pedigrees, it is not possible to make changes to these once the animal is fully created.

When creating an animal it is therefore very important that you have the correct info before you start.

However, it will always be possible to change the name of an animal if the new owner wants a different name. You can also change the picture or type and change text in the text field.

This will not affect the pedigree itself, as the animal ID and other info cannot be changed. You can print out the instructions before you start.


Animals with different ID

For animals that have a different ID than the one automatically assigned when you create it in the animal database, it is possible to add this.

The field will appear after the animal is created.

Thus the animal gets its own ID here in the database in relation to the pedigree and at the same time its own official ID is displayed on the animal's own page.

It is possible to use the search function to find both.

The animal's second ID will also appear when downloading and printing the pedigree in PDF.

Inbreeding calculation/COI

An automatic inbreed calculation COI has been created, which can be viewed when clicking on an animal's pedigree and then clicking Make PDF.

When you download to PDF you will see how the whole pedigree looks when printed.

Pay special attention to:

Once an animal is set as dead, its data can no longer be changed.

Once an animal has moved to a new owner, the previous owner no longer has access to make changes.

Once an animal has been created in the system, it cannot be deleted again.

Common register for animals sold to persons who do not wish to be registered in the database:

As it is not a given that a buyer wants to register in the database it will be possible to transfer his sold animal to a common register.

Therefore we have created a profile/user called animaldatabase

The purpose of this profile is that anyone who sells an animal whose data they would like to store, but do not necessarily want on their list of own animals, can transfer the animal there.

Should the new owner change his mind and want to register anyway, it will be possible to contact us for transfer if ownership can be documented.

Tab Info:

It is our aim that this tab will be used to share relevant knowledge such as care guides, colour guides, practical experience, treatises etc.

So if you have something you would like to share please send your file to us. Once approved it will be uploaded as a pdf.

All languages are welcome.

It is important that the file name is specific so people know what to expect.


1. Hedgehog-care guide

- or the Latin name

2. Atelerix albiventris-care guide.

3. Tenrec-Echinops telfairi-care guide

Using the Latin name will list the files in species order and

provide a better overview for the user.

Terms and Conditions:

As mentioned, it is free to register as a user and breeder, and apart from providing an email address, for password reset purposes, it is optional to provide anything other than a username.

Username should not be your email address or contain special characters.

However, for the sake of the sales function, we encourage sellers to provide zip code/country and contact info.

For the sake of the pedigrees, it is not possible to delete yourself as a user but you can remove your personal information.

For the same reason, it is not possible to delete an animal from the system.

You can register with one or more users and breeder names.

This may be because you have several different animal species and wish to use a name related to it or for some other reason wish to keep your profiles separate.

As a general rule, we do not recommend that you create animals that do not belong to you unless it has been agreed with the animal's actual owner and

-or is intended to establish a more complete picture of your pedigree.

If you wish to create animals that do not belong to you and that, for example, exist on one of your animals' pedigrees from another system, it is important that you check whether the animal already exists in the database.

There is a search box for this purpose at the top left of the page where you create an animal.

Please note that the animal will appear as yours in the system.

We therefore encourage you to first inform the owner of the animal about the possibility of free registration here.

Breeders/owners can register at any time and be matched to the relevant animals by contacting us by email. However, this requires that you have

written breeder name and owner name of the animals you create that are not your own.

You can type unknown in the field under Breeder Name if you do not have information on the breeder.

You can do the same when the animal is created, in the field next to owner. This is equivalent to changing the owner. The animal will still appear under your user profile, but everyone can see that the animal's owner is unknown.

Other information:

The database is run by private funding and volunteer help and we are continually working to develop the site.

If you experience errors, have suggestions or questions we can be contacted by email, animaldatabase.dk@hotmail.com

Or send us a message via FB at Animaldatabase.dk https://www.facebook.com/groups/957800115129985

Updates and News - New Features:

Under the Statistic tab;

1. You can see if there is inbreeding / COI in an animal registered in the Database.

You can do this under the field INBREEDING

2. You can see if there will be inbreeding in the offspring if you put 2 animals together. Here you can either choose between 2 of your own animals, or use the fields below and insert 2 IDs from the database.

You do this under the SIMULATE field.

Animal breeding rights;

It is now possible to enter whether your animal has breeding rights or not.

You do this after the animal is created - next to the Breeding Rights field on the animal's page.

As this is a new feature, you will have to set it up yourself if you want it to appear on your own pedigrees.

The new feature has been created because several people have requested the ability to have it clearly written on the pedigree - of the animals they sell.

Some animals are sold for pet/hobby purposes only, where others are sold for breeding and there can be a big difference in prices.

So it will be up to you as the breeder to decide whether your animal is sold with or without breeding rights.

If you do not choose yes or no before transferring the animal to the new owner then it will say "Not Selected"

Not selected means that the new owner can put the animal as they wish.

It is therefore very important that you set the (Breeding Status) of the animal before transferring it to the new owner.

Once a yes or no is written, it cannot be changed again.

Neither by the new owner nor by the previous owner.

The breeding status is clearly shown on the pedigree when you press MAKE PDF and print the chart. Just as it appears on the animal's own page.

Trade tab;

Correspondingly, 2 price systems have been created under the Trade tab.

When you go to MY ANIMALS to put an animal up for sale you can choose to set 1 or 2 prices.

If you only want to sell to, for example, pets or hobby, you can enter (0) in the Price Breeding field. If you have a price for both pets/hobby and a price for Breeding, then you enter both prices.

When you click on ANIMALS FOR SALE you will see the prices and if they are only sold without breeding rights.